With all of the doom and gloom in the air right now, I am more grateful than ever that I decided to simplify my life.
Minimalism is a concept that fosters deliberate living in all parts of life, not simply decluttering our physical spaces but concentrating on what is most important and finding joy in less. If you’ve been feeling anxious and a little overwhelmed by all that’s going on around us, here are five habits I’ve developed that I believe can help you navigate the now and the future as well. After all, we’re creating a way of life rather than a one-time remedy.
Keep a record of your expenses.
Because this is primarily a financial issue, you want to know where your money is going. This will assist you in determining what to assign and reallocate. For example, by simply not using several electric appliances and researching alternatives, I have cut my electricity expenditure in half over the past 5 months.
Quantity vs. Quality
It is critical to strike a balance between the two at all times. Rather than focusing solely on quality or quantity, a much better approach is to consider ‘cost per wear’. This approach can be used even with objects that aren’t necessarily wearable. For example, purchasing a box of two ordinary quality soap cakes for 50 shillings that would be over in two weeks may not be the best option if you can obtain one better quality soap cake for 50 shillings that will last you four weeks – you get the idea?
Limit your news consumption
Keeping up to date is critical to your existence. However, excessive consumption of news, particularly negative news, will have a bad impact on your psyche. Unless you do it for a living, you do not need to catch all the news broadcasts, read four different magazines, explore three websites, and keep up with all the gossip blogs. Replace this with a more enjoyable and healthy activity. Surround yourself with more upbeat and enthusiastic people, and see how your attitude and energy levels improve.
Adopt a simple way of living.
Adopting a minimalist lifestyle in all facets of your life relieves you of the pressure of having to survive and live on loads of items. Only a few items are required. This will also open your eyes to various opportunities that may be lurking under the clutter. Simplify, reduce, and reuse.
Gratitude and mindset shift
You may not believe it, but you already have everything you’ll ‘need’ to get through this time in your life. When you concentrate on the good aspects of your life, you will discover that it is not all doom and gloom and that there are things that are working for you. Perhaps you have good health, are alive, have a lovely family, wonderful friends, a sound mind, and so forth. By practicing mindfulness, you can avoid falling into the trap of comparison.