Truth be told, I took a long time – years actually, to become a menstrual cup convert. The mere thought of going against what society has taught us as the only way to manage our menstrual periods, to numerous questions about how the cup works and all that pertains to it, it was definitely not…
Tag: period hygiene
How the menstrual cup has changed my life
If you told me two and a half years ago that period poverty is not necessarily a thing for the “poor people living in the dry savannahs in Kenya , I would have totally dismissed you . It’s period ‘poverty’! ‘Poverty’! A thing for the ‘poor’ people. Poor people are those ones who can only…
The Menstrual Cup : My New Period Partner
Aside from the interesting look and cute colors the Grace cup comes in , the menstrual cup packs a lot of goodness . Here’s a few FAQ’s most people usually have when they see or hear of menstrual cups. I know I had some of these, if not all before I adopted the ‘cup life’…